Thursday, May 21, 2009

Funny Random Article

Haven't been up to much lately. My pastor (who is an avid reader and studier) leant me a book from his library at church that has been recommended to me by a few people - The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis - so I've been reading that, pieces of the Bible, "watching" some TV shows my mom owns (I play the episodes while I hang out in the house because it makes me feel like I'm not alone in the house). Just now I came across the short article on Groovy Vegetarian and thought it was funny enough to share. Other than that, nothing big or interesting to report, just having a nice relaxing time at home. ^_^


Sketched on a Canvas said...

Hahaha, that was very amusing!! Bee reminds me of number 5, the diet drink addiction. She loooooves diet coke :P

And seriously? How can you be a vegetarian and not like your veggies!!! GAH crazy hooligans.

Caio Fern said...

hi ! i just came to visit your blog because of the title, and i think it is lovely, i like the way you write .