Friday, September 12, 2008

Psychologist Appointment

So I went ahead and had my appointment with the psychologist this morning. Luckily I didn't run into the nurse while I was there. The psychologist was a really nice guy, easy to talk to, very understanding. I told him that I didn't think I needed to be there and that I didn't appreciate the nurse making me feel like I was being forced to see a counselor. I told him about things that had happened over the summer and how I was not about to go back to starving myself, and I told him that I was surprised that anyone would have been able to look at me now and think that I might have had an eating disorder. He told me that if someone told him to go around campus and point out people he thought might have an eating disorder, I would be one of them, of a small group. Then he asked me a series of questions that were a test for diagnosing an eating disorder I guess, stuff like "Have you wanted to hurt yourself or anyone else recently," "When was your last period," "Do you feel hungry," "Do you do any kind of purging," "Do you exercise regularly," and some other stuff that I can't remember, but he said that for the most part if I felt like I had things under control he didn't feel like he needed to force any therapy on me, but he is concerned that I don't have my periods. I've been saying honestly for a while now that that is one thing that I really like about this whole thing, it's nice to not have to deal with that. I don't care about all the medical problems that can come from that. But anyway, it was also nice when after our conversations, he said, "Well you have a lot more insight than most people who have sat on the other side of my desk," and that that was nice to hear. I like it when people tell me how insightful or mature or intelligent I am, lol. Then we closed the "meeting" with him saying that if I ever felt like I needed help that I could feel free to call him. We shook hands, and I left. So that was good and easy. I appreciated him listening to me and being honest with me, and also telling me that seeking help was up to me, as long as I wasn't in a life-threatening position. So yeah, for me, it worked out. Now I just need to avoid that nurse, lol.
Well, I'm going to be working dinner tonight, and then I have service to do tomorrow from 8-12 or so, then I'm working dinner, and in the mean time I have tests coming up to study for and reading to do, so this should be a pretty busy weekend for me. But it'll be fine. I just hope mom and Elisa and dad and GM and GP are all ok with the hurricane coming.
Until next time!


The Breat said...

He sounded like a nice guy. I'm glad he felt that you didn't need help. That means you're doing good! If you ever have an episode like last week though, I would think about talking to him about depression. When I go to my therapist, I mainly sit and spout a bunch of crap at her for an hour, but it really helps for someone to give some perspective!