Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Been Really Busy

Wow, what to say... has it really only been a week since my last post? Since my birthday? It feels like so much longer.
Mom and Elisa came to visit: they were here from 4:30 on Friday until 11:20AM on Saturday. They didn't stay nearly as long as they had planned because we all found out that I had to work all day on Saturday. Lunch and dinner at the Bean. Ugh. Luckily, however, it was my last day, so it was bearable, lol. I quit my job at the Bean because Brother Richard gave me a job so that we could be together more and this way I can help out with the church and all his ideas of reaching out to the college students. I'm also really happy now because I found out that the Bean is going to be open until 8pm from now on instead of 7pm, so I would have been working an extra hour if I had stayed. But I was sad that it worked out that way, I would have loved to hang out with them more. It wasn't until after they left that I felt how much I missed them.
So I worked most of Saturday, then Sunday I went to church with Brother Richard, came back and did homework stuff. Then I worked from 4:30 to 7 (oh, so I guess Sunday was my last day, ignore what I said earlier about Saturday...), and then went to the first ACU Summit lecture from 7 to 8. I got chapel credit for it, and Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday have all had three opportunities to get extra chapel credits by attending Summit lectures. Basically these lectures are sermons and class lectures combined together with a message on a section of Romans (this year's theme is Romans), and their interesting. I didn't go to two of them today, but I went to all the others (so 8 out of 10). Whenever I haven't been at Summit, I have been studying, or researching, or writing, or working with Richard, or sleeping. I've been so busy this last week! It feels like Friday night right now, but no, it's Thursday tomorrow, gotta get up at 7:40 for Biology. But that's ok. I don't mind Biology.
I think I will like my new job with Richard because I don't have to work on the weekends, so I can have my weekends back to do work for school that I couldn't get done during the week. Maybe one of these weekends I'll spend the night at Richard's house, that would be fun.
Oh yeah, and for my volunteer service, I'm thinking I'll go to the retirement home right across the street on Monday nights. I think I only need 5 more hours, so that's good.
What else... oh, I miss talking to dad, and mom, and Elisa. But I haven't had time to think about it much, let alone actually call. Sigh. I actually need to be doing more research, and getting started on my first speech for communication. But I wanted to take a short break to put an update on here so people know I'm not dead. Far from it. I'm buzzed and buzzing, kind of exhausted but not really, more like on a roll that doesn't want to stop.
Ugh, I don't want to do research... I think I'll just go ahead and call dad, and maybe get to tell everyone else at Grandma's house hi.
Love you all! Good night!