Thursday, October 2, 2008

Card Trick

This is an amusing story about my class this morning. I woke up at 7:45 for my 8:oo biology class that normally ends at 9:20. Well we were dutifully learning about epithelial tissues until 8:50 he said let's have a break. Five minutes later he comes back into the room with a deck of cards and tells us he's been practicing a card trick. If he can guess the card that someone draws, we'll continue class, and if he guesses wrong we'll get out early. So one guy picks out and shows everyone the queen of hearts, then puts it back in the deck and shuffles, per Dr. Pirtle's instructions. Then Dr. Pirtle starts laying down a row of cards, which includes the queen of hearts, and he sweeps the row aside and says, "It's not in there," and starts laying down another row of cards. At that point, some of the guys in front of me started putting their notes in their backpacks. He kept laying down rows until he was out of cards, and when he had laid down the last one, he kind of paused, then said, "I think I did it wrong," and started laughing. "Well I guess I better keep my word."
So we got out of class 20 minutes early, lol.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad it was Biology and nothing important!! LOL Thanks for the story-- quite amusing. So this is how magicians get there start???

Have a great week end and call me sometime ok?? Love, you!!