Ok, this is totally random, but I just thought this was a good article.
School is so busy right now. I'm working on a linguistics research paper right now, and right when I'm done I'll start on my next one, and then right after that I'll work on my Medieval Lit paper, and then after that I'll make my presentation for Christianity & Culture class, and then all sorts of other little assignments will get sprinkled in between. I can't believe only three weeks left, then I'll be on my way home! I have soo many books I can't wait to start reading! This summer is going to be so book-filled, I can't even tell you how excited I am. I'll probably also keep working on the World Literature powerpoints for Dr. Delony's class next semester, and I'll have to contact all the freshmen that are going to be in my Cornerstone class in which I will be the Peer Leader ^_^ I'm pretty excited about that too, since I'll be working with Dr. Delony again. It will be my fourth semester in one of her classes, except this time I won't have to do any classwork, haha! I just have to interact with other students instead... Not what I'm best known for, but it'll be nice to branch out, expand my horizons, and maybe make me a better candidate for Resident Assistant my senior year.
Since I didn't get to be an RA next year, I think I at least got the next best thing: I'll be living in a condo right across the street (yay for walking-distance!) with three friends so that the monthly rent for each of us is $200, plus, the only extra cost is water, everything else is covered by the landlord, sweet! So not so bad at all really. At least I don't have to drive to school, that was the main thing for me. I love living on campus and just being able to walk to class.
Other than just working non-stop for classes, I really haven't been up to much. I am just so ready for this semester to be over, and thankfully after this I will only every have to take about 13 hours a semester to graduate, so no more of this 17 hour load, woohoo! I'll actually have breathing room to interact with my freshmen, and read and write more for pleasure (hopefully)...and that's as far as I'll dare to hope, lol.
Ok, well, back to the research papers for me. Until next time!